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An Emotional Adjustment

Heroes Remember

An Emotional Adjustment

Interviewer: The emotions that one must carry. You are a young guy, you join the military following in your father’s footsteps. You are ready to go. You are ready to learn and you have this illness that stricken you and has taken your sight. Just share with us the type of feelings that one must go through. Yes definitely at the start of my career I am looking forward to moving out and getting started on my own and seeing what being an adult is like. It was definitely emotional losing your vision and I had just gained all that independence and now I have to go back to relying on people for pretty much everything, get around, make me food. It was very emotional losing your vision, losing your independence right at the start of your career after you just figured oh I am going to start growing up here and doing this all on my own after moving out for the first time. It was very emotional.

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