Ardennes Salient
Heroes Remember
Ardennes Salient
In Belgium, Holland, our outfit got caught,
I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of the Ardennes Salient?
Interviewer: I’ve heard of it, yes. We were in that.
Interviewer: Tell me about that.
We woke up this one morning, well this (inaudible) woke up, he
was going out to the john, we were in this farmhouse, in a barn.
He gets up in the morning to go to the john and he’s standing at
front door, he says, he hollered, like, “Holy shit.”
“What?” “C’mon take a look.”
This army walking this way up the road single file, and walking
single file, when you see army doing that, you know something’s
wrong. And we’re standing, we start coming outside and the next
thing you know this American sergeant major come along.
He says, “Guys take it easy, lay low.”
And he told us, “You’re cut off, three sides.”
“Well, where’s the closest enemy?”
He says, “About 100 yards that way.”
Well, we were somewhat, somewhat scared and we pretty well hit
the deck and stayed there for awhile, pretty well all day.
You, you didn’t dare, I think it took about three days before we
got out of there. I don’t think death ever crossed our minds,
at least not mine. It was just one of those things.
But I never actually worried about it, til years later and I’m
reading the history books on the Ardennes Salient and
I said, “I was there. I was in the middle of that.”
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