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Attack at First Light

Heroes Remember

Attack at First Light

We were at a place called Twente Canal. Alemlo in Holland, and we had approached the Twente Canal on what we call Kangaroos. That’s a remodelled ram tank that is built to carry... carry infantry troops. The Germans had blown the bridges at the time. The... we had to transfer to dinghies, rubber dinghies to cross the canal you see. And... then when we crossed the canal there was a large barn and we occupied that barn and then we attacked the house and drove the enemy out of the house, and it was my platoon that did that. So we consolidated around the outside of the house over that night. I usually like to sleep early and then I’ll be ready for the first light because first light, if you’re going to get a counter attack is usually when the enemy usually attack, at first light, you see. So... and that’s how I had it. So I went to sleep and then just approaching first light my friend, and a good friend. His name was Jeanette, Red Jeanette. He taught me to play guitar all the way through, we were good friends. And then... he was a... I told him well you get shaved you know, I said and as soon as you finish let me know and I’ll replace you. And I was getting ready to change over with him when the Germans threw in a counter attack you see. So I rushed in the house where he was you see and he had, still had this shaving stuff on and he rushed out the front door and he grabbed his rifle off the front door and went out the front door. And I’m calling him back you see and just as I went to go out the door behind him... a slash of bullets hit that door in front of me you see. And... I stopped and waited for the... bullets to stop and soon as they stopped I dived out the door too. And right beside Red and Red was lying there shot.

Mr. Jones describes losing his closest friend while defending a position at Almelo, Holland.

Bud Jones

Bud Jones was born in Montreal, Quebec. He was a good boxer and very athletic, becoming a PT instructor before his deployment to Europe in the Second World War. He was assigned to the Royal Canadian Regiment, whose responsibility it was to eliminate German V2 rocket launching sites along the European side of the English Channel. He would see service in France, Belgium and Holland. Following his war service, Mr. Jones enlisted in the regular forces, becoming a career soldier. During that time, he served in Germany and Japan in addition to his service in Canada.

Meta Data
Veterans Affairs Canada
Person Interviewed:
Bud Jones
War, Conflict or Mission:
Second World War
Royal Canadian Regiment
Platoon Sergeant

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