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567 results returned within location Europe
A catchy little poem

A catchy little poem

Mr. MacDonald describes his Legion involvement, Remembrance Day, and recites a poignant poem to surviving Veterans.

They were good weapons

They were good weapons

Mr. MacDonald compares the quality of Canadian vs. German weaponry.

They hit him with a Schmeizer

They hit him with a Schmeizer

Mr. MacDonald describes night patrols at the Maas River, and a German act of mercy.

They were a crack outfit, a good outfit

They were a crack outfit, a good outfit

Mr. MacDonald describes joining the 5th Anti-tank Battalion and discusses its weaponry.

They lost 250 men

They lost 250 men

Mr. MacDonald describes the deadly "friendly fire" accident at Caen, France

He'd just dodge and duck

He'd just dodge and duck

Mr. MacDonald describes the broad spectrum of his basic training and in particular the Bofors anti-aircraft gun.

Who wants to remember that?

Who wants to remember that?

Mr. Stewart describes the desperation of the hungry in Bremerhaven, Germany.

Two swimming pools filled with sand

Two swimming pools filled with sand

Mr. Stewart compares the spartan environment of the Liberty ship ‘SS Elgin Victory’ to the plush troop carrier ‘SS Europa’

It was just rubble

It was just rubble

Mr. Stewart life in Bremerhaven, Germany after a bombing raid.

They travelled two hundred yards apart

They travelled two hundred yards apart

Mr. Stewart describes the changing makeup of convoys at sea.

They don't check your ankles

They don't check your ankles

Mr. Stewart talks about the Black Market and bartering for goods and services.

We looked after one boiler

We looked after one boiler

Mr. Stewart compares experiences on deck and in the engine room.

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