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567 results returned within location Europe
The Job of a Special Force Signaller

The Job of a Special Force Signaller

Mr. McNiven recalls being assigned to a Special Force of signallers, and describes their duties.

Landing at Juno Beach

Landing at Juno Beach

Mr. McNiven recalls embarking on the Juno Beach invasion, and landing on the beach with 2nd Division as reinforcement for the 3rd Division.

Loading onto the Barge

Loading onto the Barge

Mr. Buchanan describes the feelings and thoughts soldiers had when they were loaded onto barges.

Hidden Attack

Hidden Attack

Mr. Buchanan describes how they would get people out of houses using grenades. He also remembers entering one village and hiding on both sides of the street to attack the German Army.

Last Action

Last Action

Mr. Buchanan talks about the mistake the German soldiers made during a counter attack in Hawkwell Forest. He also describes the advantages of using search lights when invading at night.

Night Patrols into the German Lines

Night Patrols into the German Lines

Mr. Buchanan explains how the weather affected patrolling at night.

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Mr. Adderley used to walk with his father on Remembrance Day but now that his father is gone he walks with his medals. He talks about how he feels his father is walking with him now.

WRENS ( Women’s Royal Naval Service) in the war

WRENS ( Women’s Royal Naval Service) in the war

Mr. Adderley talks about the WRENS and how good they were in radio. He talks about how seeing the WRENS brought them into the war at the ground level.

Declaration of War

Declaration of War

Mr.Adderley talks about war being declared and how they joined for $1.10 a day.

Climbing an Invisible Ladder

Climbing an Invisible Ladder

Mr. Taschuk recalls seeing a Lancaster accidentally drop their payload on another Lancaster directly below them, and seeing the bomb aimer fall from the damaged plane.

Controlled Terror

Controlled Terror

Mr. Taschuk recalls a bombing run over Germany, during a particularly dark night, when the light from an explosion revealed how close they’d come to having a collision.

Big Loud Guns

Big Loud Guns

Mr. Candow describes the noise made by Howitzers used in Norfolk, and recalls how vibrations from Long-Toms firing just outside Lanchiano, Italy, shook the town to ruins.

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