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567 results returned within location Europe
Flying as a Spare

Flying as a Spare

One day Mr. Western was called in to the gunnery office and told he was to fly as a spare for another crew but luckily for him it never happened.

Close Call During A Daylight Run

Close Call During A Daylight Run

During a daylight run Mr. Western and the crew had a very close call when another bomber was flying at the wrong bombing height and dropped their bombs directly above Mr. Western's plane.

Heavy Fighting

Heavy Fighting

Mr. Western talks about one night of heavy fighting , when another air plane was shot down and the radio from the plane was on. Everyone heard the tail gunner and pilot plunging to their death.

Love of Air Plane and Crew

Love of Air Plane and Crew

Mr. James describes what it’s like to command an aircraft, and the special bond among the crew.

Crew Composition

Crew Composition

Mr. Reid describes crew composition and the relationship between British and Canadian airmen.

On To France-And Eventually The War's End

On To France-And Eventually The War's End

The Italian Campaign is over and the Loyal Edmonton Regiment has moved into the French City of Marseilles.

Second Attempt to Enlist Succeeds

Second Attempt to Enlist Succeeds

Mr. Lenko eventually finds himself in England as a member of D Company of the Loyal Edmonton Regiment. He and his company remain in England through the end of the Battle of Britain. In September 1941, Mr. Lenko's company is put aboard the Empress of Canada to be taken to Spitsbergen, off the far north coast of Norway. They had a very specific task to perform there.

Turning Back

Turning Back

Mr. Chase recalls leading his men out of Burma because the weather was too severe.

Like to Forget

Like to Forget

Mr. McNiven describes what he'd most like to forget about the Second World War.

War Is A Terrible Thing

War Is A Terrible Thing

Mr. McNiven discusses how the people of Europe suffered during the Second World War.

It’s Easy At The Time, But It's Not Easy

It’s Easy At The Time, But It's Not Easy

Mr. McNiven explains how the intense training made the physical task of killing easy, but not easy to deal with.

Something Unreal, You Can't Believe

Something Unreal, You Can't Believe

Mr. McNiven explains how football players remind him of soldiers, and defines how scared he was.

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