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567 results returned within location Europe
After he was shot

After he was shot

Mr. Carter talks about what happened after he was shot and how he was put in an area where you were suppose to go to die.

The Rhine Drop (2 of 4)

The Rhine Drop (2 of 4)

Mr. Kelly describes his experience in the Rhine jump and the German radio he enjoyed listening to.

Hitler Jugend

Hitler Jugend

Mr. Field talks about the day before the war ended, and his encounter with some German POWs, and the Hitler Jugend.

Shooting Gallery

Shooting Gallery

Mr. Field describes an encounter with the enemy while they are holed up in a house in Groningen.

The Vickers Platoon

The Vickers Platoon

Mr. Kelly discusses the Mark 5 Sten Gun and his humorous friend Hlady.

The Rhine Drop (4 of 4)

The Rhine Drop (4 of 4)

Mr. Kelly describes the gliders used in the Rhine drop and talks of a medical officer he befriended.

The Rhine Drop (3 of 4)

The Rhine Drop (3 of 4)

Mr. Kelly talks about his run in with a British Lieutenant and the thrill from all the lost Canadians running together to get to battalion headquarters.

Safely Through Close Calls

Safely Through Close Calls

Like so many Canadian Veterans who served at the front, Mr. Hyde realizes how close he came - several times - to losing his life or, at the very least, receiving serious injuries. He tells the story of an incident along the Hitler Line in Italy. He escaped uninjured. His buddy beside him didn't fare as well.

A Moment In Time To Live With Forever

A Moment In Time To Live With Forever

Spring 1944 brought a renewal of offensive action along The Gustav Line. Mr. Hyde recalls an incident that always haunted him where he shot a member of the Hitler Youth.

Ortona Stalemate

Ortona Stalemate

A stalemate at Ortona made reconnaissance unnecessary. But, two events that took place during the time around Ortona are still clearly recalled by Mr. Hyde. The first was the experience of a "standing patrol".

A New - and Dangerous - Job

A New - and Dangerous - Job

In the autumn of 1943, Mr. Hyde requested a change in his responsibilities. He wanted out of signals. His commanding officer made him a commander of an armoured car and promoted him to Corporal. He describes his vehicle and tells of the slow and dangerous work of probing for land mines along the roads of southern Italy.

On To "The Boot"

On To "The Boot"

After some six weeks in Sicily, the order came to cross the Strait of Messina to mainland Italy. On arrival, thousands of Italian soldiers willingly surrender to allied forces. As the squadron moves inland, the worst kind of attack - friendly fire - takes its toll.

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