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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Beating received as a Hong Kong POW

Beating received as a Hong Kong POW

Mr. Cyr describes the Japanese guards at Camp 3D and a near-death beating he received from several of them.

POW work as a Riveter

POW work as a Riveter

Mr. Cyr describes his work as a riveter in the shipyard at Camp 3D.

Travel from Hong Kong to Japan as POW

Travel from Hong Kong to Japan as POW

Mr. Cyr recalls the sea voyage from Hong Kong to Japan, the instructions they received from the Japanese army officers and the train ride to Camp 3D in Kawasaki.

Taken Hostage

Taken Hostage

While still in Liège, Mr. Gouinlock describes how some of the Germans took 40 men, including himself, hostage.

Plane crashes

Plane crashes

Mr. Duffley tells the stories of two different plane crashes at his base.

Hong Kong POW

Hong Kong POW

Eventually, the captured troops were moved from the colony of Hong Kong to Japan. Mr. Purse describes that move and the train ride to their new location where they were put to work in nickel mines.

Taken as Hong Kong POW

Taken as Hong Kong POW

Mr. Cyr describes the platoon's unusual events of Christmas Day, 1941, and the several weeks that followed.

Runner (inter-communication between officers,  NCOs and troops)

Runner (inter-communication between officers, NCOs and troops)

Mr. Cyr recalls his platoon's first encounter with the Japanese in Hong Kong.

German POW

German POW

Now Captain, his troops had moved to Holland, near the town of Arnhem. Mr. Murray relates a chilling account of a confrontation with a German who has been taken a prisoner of war.

Prisoner of the Japanese

Prisoner of the Japanese

Ms. Cook talks about her friend and the rough time she had when she was captured in Hong Kong.

Peace is declared

Peace is declared

Nora Cook talks about the end of the war, and how tired everyone was. They got a leave, and she had the chance to go to Ireland, but decided to come home instead. Ms. Cook was treated like a hero when she came home, but felt that she had only done what everyone else had done. She was just glad to be home.

End of First World War

End of First World War

Mr. Chapman recalls the end of the First World War and his eventual return to Canada.

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