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Letters From Youth

Heroes Remember

Interviewer: Remembrance Day, November 11th every year. What does that day mean for you? Well, at, at, at first, the first few years, it didn’t mean too much to me, I didn’t want to be reminded of anything. I’d never gone down to the cenotaph. I never bothered with the Legions. Way back then, the Legions were, “Join the Legion and get beer on a Sunday”. Well, that was the farthest thing from my mind and I just didn’t want to get into that. But then, the past few years, even before I came in here, you start reading stories and watching other things on the one-eyed monster besides these idiotic shows. If you watch, like, the History Channel, the Discovery Channel and you start appreciating stuff like that and it makes you think. So, then the last two Remembrance Days, the second last, one we went to a school, down near Tillsonburg - Grade 7 and Grade 8's, and there was two of us in a room with a bunch of kids. And they were firing questions at us. I had my books. Well, at first it was kind of timid and then, I was surprised, they really got into it and it was beautiful the way these kids were asking questions and coming out and the last Remembrance Day we went to a place over here in London West. They had a deal set up with some school kids and the same thing, you know, asking questions, and kids getting involved, it was kind of nice. In fact, I’ve got three or four of their letters that they sent. I’ve kept them because you read them and say, “Hey, this kid is, what, 12 yrs old and writing stuff like this?" It makes you feel good.

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