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German Long Range Shelling

Heroes Remember

German Long Range Shelling


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St. Pol was where all the supply dumps, you know, when you were running battles you had to have food and you have to have everything ahead of time and they had what they called dumps of these things and the Germans had eleven inch naval shells they were firing into this St. Pol area trying to hit these dumps and one thing and another and we discussed... the signal school, there was an escarpment there and they couldn't put a shell in there because this escarpment was going up towards the Germans like that toward the German lines, you see. So the signal school was in safety there but our quarters weren't. They were down below and there was an army headquarters of some kind there and and we argued whether if they could, started firing whether they could fire a shot and come over into that town, well, we found out they could because they started every day at about 11 o'clock they would put about four or five of these shells into the town and then 5 o'clock in the afternoon they would put another four or five shells in and about at 11 o'clock at night just when everybody is packing up for the night they would put four or five more in, these were big shells. The fragments would maybe travel a half a mile sometimes. Two of our fellows, they had a piece of sheet iron leaning up against the fence like that and a chunk of this stuff came down and hit that sheet iron and landed in the ground between the two of them and that's how close they were. You see, there was no place where you could be guaranteed safety.

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