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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Bickley Got the Shrapnel in the Eyes

Bickley Got the Shrapnel in the Eyes

Mr. Babin describes being ‘volunteered’ to drive an ambulance, and a narrow escape from a mountain pass ambush by the Japanese.

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Mr. Raymond gives his opinion about Remembrance Day and the lack of importance attached to it.



Mr. Raymond tells us about the family spirit on the front lines.

“The fear of not getting through it”

“The fear of not getting through it”

The war was ending. Mr. Raymond talks about the fear of not finishing the war safe and sound.

Nobody Wanted to Go On Patrol

Nobody Wanted to Go On Patrol

Nobody wanted to go on patrol. Mr. Raymond explains why.

Respect for German Soldiers

Respect for German Soldiers

Once the war was over, Mr. Raymond saw German soldiers as human beings just like everyone else.

Impossible to Forget . . .

Impossible to Forget . . .

Seeing a companion die in combat without being able to help him and feeling powerless in such a situation. Life after the war despite the horrors of the past . . .

Importance of being well trained for war

Importance of being well trained for war

Mr. Raymond talks about the importance of training because when you arrived on a battlefield, you could lose self-control . . . .

SS Prisoners Remained Arrogant.

SS Prisoners Remained Arrogant.

Mr. Raymond described the attitude shown by an SS who was taken prisoner.

The Magnetic Minesweeper

The Magnetic Minesweeper

Mr. Nordlund describes the operation at sea with the magnetic minesweeper and how mines were detected and detonated.

German Snipers

German Snipers

The soldiers’ greatest fear was to be in a sniper’s sights.

Importance of the Senses

Importance of the Senses

The senses had special importance during the war for detecting the presence of the enemy and how far away they were. Sounds from allied weapons and aircraft were different from the enemy’s . . .

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