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3030 results returned within war Second World War
No surrender

No surrender

Mr. McVicar talks about Japan's refusal to surrender, and life in the Tropics with scorpions and malaria.

Tour of Operations

Tour of Operations

Mr. Yarnell talks about all the flying they did. He also recalls what they did during downtime.

Nursing Training

Nursing Training

Ms. Seeley recalls her nursing training and her deep desire to serve her country during the Second World War.

End of Overseas Duty

End of Overseas Duty

Ms. Rogers recalls the end of her overseas service and is asked if she was happy to be coming back home to Canada.

Stationed in France

Stationed in France

After D-Day, Ms. Rogers was sent to France where she was attached to a head injury unit.

Return to Civilian Life

Return to Civilian Life

Mr. Purse was asked to describe how the Hong Kong experience during the Second World War affected his life once he returned to Canada.

Reaction to end of Second World War

Reaction to end of Second World War

Mr. Purse remembers the reaction of both the prisoners of war and their Japanese guards as news of the end of the war arrived, and reflects on how surprised he continues to be that he survived the experience.

Hong Kong POW

Hong Kong POW

Treatment of the Canadians at the hands of the Japanese guards is painfully remembered by Mr. Purse

Hong Kong POW

Hong Kong POW

The diet fed to the Hong Kong Prisoners of War by the Japanese is described by Mr. Purse.

Hong Kong POW

Hong Kong POW

Mr. Purse recalls the day the Japanese troops arrived in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Mr. Purse describes his first impression of the army's military camp in Hong Kong and goes on to explain why he originally thought the Canadian troops had been sent there.

Rainy Days in India

Rainy Days in India

Mr. Duffley talks about the weather in "the wettest part of the world".

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