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4752 results returned
U-Boats and Convoys

U-Boats and Convoys

Mr. Allen describes general strategies used to protect convoys from U-boats.

"Attacking a U-boat is a dangerous thing"

"Attacking a U-boat is a dangerous thing"

Mr. Allen describes in detail attacking a U-boat and its dangers.

New Radar - a real saviour

New Radar - a real saviour

Mr. Allen tells us about new radar technology and an incident where it saved his crew.

Tactics and Counter tactics

Tactics and Counter tactics

Mr. Chadderton talks about both sides exploiting an Allied scout car.

I never tried to fool my guys

I never tried to fool my guys

Mr. Chadderton discusses the need for honesty and good planning.

D-Day Landing Part 2

D-Day Landing Part 2

Mr. Chadderton describes his responsibilities on the beach head during the invasion.

D-Day Landing Part 1

D-Day Landing Part 1

Mr. Chadderton describes the emotional and sensory impacts of battle.

What was it like to write a letter to a mother?

What was it like to write a letter to a mother?

Mr. Chadderton describes having to write letters of condolence for fallen members of his regiment.

What chance do you think we've got?

What chance do you think we've got?

Mr. Chadderton talks about the odds of survival and the reality of death.

The camaraderie got a hold of me.

The camaraderie got a hold of me.

Mr. Chadderton discusses camaraderie and bonding.

I wanted a place to play hockey

I wanted a place to play hockey

Mr. Chadderton discusses his reasons for enlisting.

Rogue Flying Fortress

Rogue Flying Fortress

Mr. Black recalls almost being shot down by a rogue Flying Fortress, while returning from a successful bombing run.

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