An Emphasis on Intelligence
Heroes Remember
An Emphasis on Intelligence
Phone business is an alternating current affair and
that alternating current can be picked up
by other instruments. And the British developed
a thing called the Fullerphone which converted the
stuff to direct current which couldn't be picked
up and the Germans didn't.
Well, there was a couple of fellows from Berlin
went over in the same draft that I did;
went over to England and they were
both fluent in German.
And they were given a job of, they built somewheres,
I'm not just sure where in the “no man's land”
which was a fair distance apart between the
German trenches and the British trenches.
They had a quarter mile loop of wire in there
like that and these fellows were good,
they had the instruments there to listen and everything.
They were listening to everything the Germans said
and reporting it all the time.
The Germans couldn't do that with the British.
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