2.0 Institutional Functions, Programs and Activities

2.1 Institution-Specific Content

The following institutional functions identified below are based on VAC’s Core Responsibilities and Departmental Results Framework.

2.1.1 Benefits, Services, and Support

Support the care and well-being of Veterans and their dependents or survivors through a range of benefits, services, research, partnerships and advocacy. Caregiver Recognition Benefit

The Caregiver Recognition Benefit formally recognizes the contribution caregivers make to the health and well-being of seriously injured Veterans who require continuous care and supervision, due to their service related physical and/or mental health condition(s). This benefit is paid directly to Veterans’ caregivers.

Caregiver Recognition Benefit Class of Record

Note: Revised April 1, 2018. Formerly known as the Family Caregiver Relief Benefit. For information related to the Family Caregiver Relief Benefit of subsection 65.1(1) of the Veterans Well-being Act as it read on March 31, 2018, the Class of Record MVA VAC 892 will apply as it read on March 31, 2018.

Description: Information related to the administration of the Caregiver Recognition Benefit, including compensation available to eligible Veterans. This program recognizes the contribution caregivers make to the health and well-being of seriously injured Veterans who require continuous care and supervision, due to their service-related physical and/or mental health condition(s). This benefit recognizes and compensates informal caregivers of Veterans for ongoing stress, caregiver burden, and unremunerated support they provide Veterans. Records may include information relating to procedures and policies; eligibility criteria, research, program design, and analysis; statistics; briefings and consultations with Veterans’ organizations, advisory groups, and other concerned organizations and groups; service delivery requirements; planning and project descriptions, and evaluations of programs and services; and program administration for the issuance of monthly payments. Records may also contain information on legislation; the modernization of programs and services offered by Veterans Affairs Canada.

Document Types: Blank Application Forms, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Correspondence, Decision Records, Evaluations, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Memoranda to Cabinet, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Publications, Regulations, Reports, Studies and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 892

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Caregiver Relief Benefit VAC PPU 702 Disability Benefits

Disability Benefits comprise programs that recognize and compensate eligible Veterans, CAF members, survivors, dependents, RCMP and some civilians for the effects of a service-related disability and/or death. This includes Disability Pensions, Pain and Suffering Compensation, Additional Pain and Suffering Compensation, Clothing Allowance, Attendance Allowance, Exceptional Incapacity Allowance, Critical Injury Benefit, Detention Benefit, Prisoner of War and Death Benefit. Monthly payments are paid for Disability Benefits. Disability Pensions and Pain and Suffering Compensation recognize and compensate a service-related disability. Additional Pain and Suffering Compensation recognizes and compensates Veterans experiencing barriers to re-establishment in post-service life due to a severe and permanent impairment. Clothing Allowance and Attendance Allowance are based on need. Exceptional Incapacity Allowance is a monthly benefit for eligible recipients. Critical Injury Benefit is a lump sum payment provided for one or more severe traumatic, service-related injuries or an acute disease. Detention Benefit and Prisoner of War compensation are provided for eligible periods of detention/prisoner of war status. Survivors and dependents are recognized and compensated in the event of the member/Veteran’s death under the Death Benefit. Survivors and dependents may also be eligible for Pain and Suffering Compensation.

Disability Pension Program Class of Record

Description: Information relating to benefits and compensation provided under the Disability Pension Program, and special allowances including the Exceptional Incapacity Allowance, the Treatment Allowance and Other Allowances. Records may also include information relating to procedures and policies; eligibility criteria; research; program design and analysis; statistics; briefings and consultations with Veterans’ organizations, advisory groups and other concerned organizations and groups; service delivery requirements; partnering opportunities and program agreements or program arrangements; planning and project descriptions and evaluations of programs and services; and program administration for the issuance of pensions, allowances and other compensation for disabilities or death incurred by Canada’s military forces during the First World War, the Second World War, peacetime service, special duty service, service in a theatre of operations, and reserve or special force service. Records may also contain information on legislation; the modernization of programs and services offered by Veterans Affairs; medical matters of policy and precedent; applications; procedures and policies, including the Table of Disabilities which is the instrument used by Veterans Affairs Canada to assess the extent of disability from a pensioned/entitled condition; information from boards of inquiry regarding deceased or missing personnel; former prisoners of war; pensioners living in foreign countries; Veterans and their dependents deceased more than 20 years; Newfoundlanders; Royal Canadian Mounted Police; and persons recruited in Canada by United Kingdom authorities for special duties. Records may also include information relating to hearings of entitlement and assessment boards formerly authorized under the Pension Act.

Document Types: Blank Application Forms, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Correspondence, Decision Records, Evaluations, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Memoranda to Cabinet, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Publications, Regulations, Reports, Studies and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 820

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Disability Pensions VAC PPU 601

Exceptional Incapacity Allowance VAC PPU 602

Other Allowances VAC PPU 604

Treatment Allowances VAC PPU 340

Pain and Suffering Compensation Class of Record

Description: Information relating to Pain and Suffering Compensation, which recognizes the non-economic effects of service-related death or disability, including pain and suffering, functional loss and the effects of permanent impairment on the lives of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members, Veterans and their families. Records may include information relating to procedures and policies; eligibility criteria; research; program design and analysis; statistics; briefings and consultations with Veterans’ organizations, advisory groups and other concerned organizations and groups; service delivery requirements; partnering opportunities, program agreements, and/or program arrangements; planning and project descriptions, and evaluations of programs and services; and program administration for the issuance of the compensation to eligible CAF members/Veterans, survivors, and dependent children. Records may also contain information on legislation; the modernization of programs and services offered by Veterans Affairs Canada; medical matters of policy and precedent; applications; and procedures and policies including the Table of Disabilities which is the instrument used by Veterans Affairs Canada to assess the extent of disability.

Document Types: Including but not limited to blank application forms, background papers, briefing notes, correspondence, decision records, evaluations, waivers, medical opinions, legal opinions, legislation, Memoranda to Cabinet, Orders in Council, plans, policies, presentations, procedures, processes, publications, regulations, reports, discussion papers, studies, and Treasury Board submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 901

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Pain and Suffering Compensation VAC PPU 717

Additional Pain and Suffering Compensation Class of Record

Description: Information relating to Additional Pain and Suffering Compensation, which provides additional recognition and compensation to Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veterans who are experiencing barriers to re-establishment in life after service, due to a service-related permanent and severe impairment. Records may include information relating to procedures and policies; eligibility criteria; research; program design and analysis; statistics; briefings and consultations with Veterans’ organizations, advisory groups and other concerned organizations and groups; service delivery requirements; partnering opportunities, program agreements, and/or program arrangements; planning and project descriptions, and evaluations of programs and services; and program administration for the issuance of the compensation to eligible CAF members and Veterans. Records may also contain information on legislation; the modernization of programs and services offered by Veterans Affairs Canada; medical matters of policy and precedent; applications; and procedures and policies including the Table of Disabilities which is the instrument used by Veterans Affairs Canada to assess the extent of disability.

Document Types: Including but not limited to blank application forms, background papers, briefing notes, correspondence, decision records, evaluations, waivers, medical opinions, legal opinions, legislation, Memoranda to Cabinet, Orders in Council, plans, policies, presentations, procedures, processes, publications, regulations, reports, discussion papers, studies, and Treasury Board submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 900

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Additional Pain and Suffering Compensation VAC PPU 716

Critical Injury Benefit Class of Record

Description: Information relating to the recognition and compensation of eligible Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and Veterans who experienced a sudden single incident on or after April 1, 2006, resulting in a severe traumatic service related injury or acute disease causing immediate and severe impairment and interference with quality of life. This compensation recognizes and compensates for the time between the initial injury or incident and when the CAF member is medically stabilized. Compensation is provided in the form of a lump sum payment. Records may also include information relating to procedures and policies; eligibility criteria; research; program design and analysis; statistics; briefings and consultations with Veterans' organizations, advisory groups and other concerned organizations and groups; service delivery requirements; partnering opportunities and program agreements or program arrangements; planning and project descriptions and evaluations of programs and services; and program administration for the issuance of the grant. Records may also contain information on legislation; the modernization of programs and services offered by Veterans Affairs; as well as medical matters of policy and precedent.

Document Types: Blank Application Forms, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Correspondence, Decision Records, Evaluations, Waivers, Medical Opinions, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Memoranda to Cabinet, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Publications, Regulations, Reports, Studies and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 890

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Critical Injury Benefit VAC PPU 700

Death Benefit Class of Record

Description: Information relating to the Death Benefit, which recognizes the loss of a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) member’s life, the resulting loss of guidance, care and companionship, and the impact of the member’s death on the functioning of the household. Records may include information relating to procedures and policies; eligibility criteria; research; program design and analysis; statistics; briefings and consultations with Veterans’ organizations, advisory groups and other concerned organizations and groups; service delivery requirements; partnering opportunities, program agreements, and/or program arrangements; planning and project descriptions, and evaluations of programs and services; and program administration for the issuance of the compensation to eligible survivors and dependent children of CAF members. Records may also contain information on legislation; the modernization of programs and services offered by Veterans Affairs Canada; medical matters of policy and precedent; applications; and procedures and policies including the Table of Disabilities which is the instrument used by Veterans Affairs Canada to assess the extent of disability.

Document Types: Including but not limited to blank application forms, background papers, briefing notes, correspondence, decision records, evaluations, waivers, medical opinions, legal opinions, legislation, Memoranda to Cabinet, Orders in Council, plans, policies, presentations, procedures, processes, publications, regulations, reports, discussion papers, studies and Treasury Board submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 902

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Death Benefit VAC PPU 718

Educational Assistance Class of Record

Description: Educational Assistance provides tax-free financial support to children of deceased Veterans or Canadian Armed Forces members, who are enrolled in a full-time post-secondary education program. Records may include information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; program design and analysis; statistics; and program administration. Records may also contain information on legislation, programs, and services offered by VAC.

Document Types: Agreements, Blank Application Forms, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Contracts, Correspondence, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Memoranda of Understanding, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Procedures, Presentations, Publications, Regulations, Reports, Studies and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 904

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Educational Assistance VAC PPU 605 Health Care Benefits

The Health Care Benefits program provides eligible Veterans and other qualified individuals with financial support to access health care benefits (treatment benefits) to meet their identified needs. Treatment benefits include medical, surgical or dental examinations or treatment; surgical or prosthetic devices and aids and their maintenance; home adaptations to accommodate the use of devices or aids; preventive health care; pharmaceuticals; and travel and other expenses incurred to access these benefits.

Health Care Benefits Program Class of Record

Description: Information on Health Care Benefits and Services, which includes the Treatment Benefits Program, offered by Veterans Affairs Canada to eligible recipients. Benefits include one-time only grants, partnership contributions, program grants, health-related services such as Veterans Travel and Health Insurance, and Veterans Affairs Canada Assistance Service. Records contain information on the services offered under the Programs of Choice, which include: Aids to Daily Living, Ambulance and Medical Travel Services, Audio (Hearing) Services, Dental Services, Hospital Services (in-patient and out-patient services), Medical Services, Medical Supplies, Nursing Services, Oxygen Therapy, Prescription Drugs, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Related Health Services, Special Equipment, Vision (Eye) Care, and Vision (Eye) Care Canadian National Institute for the Blind Benefits. Records may also contain information relating to the provision of coverage under the Public Service Health Care Plan for clients eligible for benefits under the Veterans Well-being Act, including Memoranda of Understanding between Veterans Affairs Canada and the Treasury Board Secretariat, contributions and levels of coverage and service providers. Records may include information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; briefings and consultations with Veterans organizations, advisory groups and other concerned organizations and groups; program design and analysis; statistics; program administration; the modernization of programs and services offered by Veterans Affairs Canada; service delivery requirements; partnering opportunities and program agreements or program arrangements; and planning and evaluations of programs and services.

Document Types: Agreements, Blank Application Forms, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Contracts, Correspondence, Directives, Evaluations, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Media Lines, Memoranda of Understanding, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Publications, Regulations, Reports, Studies and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 860

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Health Benefits Program – Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) VAC PPU 520

Health Care Benefits and Services VAC PPU 295 Income Support

The Income Support program comprises Income Replacement Benefit and Canadian Forces Income Support. The Income Replacement Benefit is designed to provide income support to Veterans who are experiencing barriers to re-establishment due to a health problem resulting primarily from service. The benefit is available to Veterans and survivors for life, should they need it, and for eligible orphans. Canadian Forces Income Support (CFIS) is a tax-free monthly benefit available to help low income CAF Veterans, survivors, and dependent children. CFIS is available to Veterans who have completed the Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program and are no longer eligible for the Income Replacement Benefit but have not yet successfully transitioned to civilian employment above a certain income level. Survivors may receive the benefit if the Veteran was in receipt of CFIS at the time of death.

Financial Benefits Class of Record

Description: Information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; program design and analysis; statistics; and program administration. Records may also contain information on the modernization of programs and services offered by Veterans Affairs Canada; service delivery requirements; partnering opportunities and program agreements or program arrangements; briefings and consultations with Veterans organizations, advisory groups, and other concerned organizations and groups; and planning, project descriptions and evaluations of programs and services.

Document Types: Blank Application Forms, Assessments, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Contracts, Correspondence, Evaluations, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Media Lines, Memoranda to Cabinet, Memoranda of Understanding, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Publications, Regulations, Reports, Studies and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 845

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Income Replacement Benefit VAC PPU 715

Canadian Forces Income Support VAC PPU 608

Inactive Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Career Impact Allowance and Supplement VAC PPU 610

Earnings Loss VAC PPU 607

Retirement Income Security Benefit VAC PPU 701

Supplementary Retirement Benefit VAC PPU 609 Long Term Care

This program supports eligible Veterans and other individuals who require nursing home type care to meet their needs. The program works in cooperation with provincial agencies and long term care facilities to support eligible Veterans and other individuals in an appropriate long term care setting.

Intermediate and Long Term Care Program Class of Record

Description: Information on the programs, benefits and services offered through community facilities, where care is provided to eligible Veterans by the Department under the Long Term Care Program or the Veteran Independence Program; and on other benefits and services of the Veterans Independence Program, including Home Care, which are provided to assist and support eligible clients in remaining independent in their own homes and communities for as long as possible. Examples of other services under the Veterans Independence Program include ambulatory health care services, transportation services, and home adaptations. Records may include information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; briefings and consultations with Veterans organizations, advisory groups and other stakeholders; program design and analysis; service and institutional standards; statistics; and program administration, including interaction with a third-party service provider. Records may also contain information relating to former departmental hospitals; the transfer of these institutions to provincial or community jurisdiction; operating agreements; and memoranda of understanding.

Document Types: Agreements, Blank Application Forms, Assessments, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Contracts, Correspondence, Evaluations, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Media Lines, Memoranda of Understanding, Orders in Council, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Publications, Regulations, Reports, Studies, Public Opinion Research, Memoranda to Cabinet, and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 880

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Non-departmental Institutions – Long Term Care (LTC) VAC PPU 619

Non-departmental Institutions – Veterans Independence Program (VIP) VAC PPU 618 Research and Innovation

The Research and Innovation program comprises the Centre of Excellence on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Related Mental Health Conditions, Research Funding, and the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund. The Centre of Excellence on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Related Mental Health Conditions has a strong focus on the creation and dissemination of knowledge on prevention, assessment and treatment of PTSD and related mental health conditions for Veterans, RCMP and CAF members. It will result in better knowledge on how to prevent, assess and treat mental health issues. The objective is to increase the Canadian expertise, knowledge and transfer of knowledge on the subject of Canadian military and Veteran mental health, suicide prevention, and substance use disorder issues. The Research Funding program provides funding to organizations (private, non-profit, and academic sectors) undertaking research oriented projects and/or innovative initiatives to improve the well-being of military members, Veterans and their families. The Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund provides funding to organizations that conduct research, develop or implement innovative programs that improve the well-being of Veterans and their families. This funding fosters innovation across private, non-profit and academic fields.

Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund Class of Record

Description: The Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund provides funding to conduct research, develop or implement innovative programs that improve the well-being of Veterans and their families, and may provide funding to organizations to maintain operations in urgent situations. This funding fosters innovation across private, non-profit and academic fields. Records may include information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; program design and analysis; statistics; and program administration, Records may also contain information on legislation and programs and services offered by VAC.

Document Types: Including but not limited to: Agreements, Blank Application Forms, Media Lines, Legal Opinions, Briefing Notes, Correspondence, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Policies, Presentations, Reports, Memoranda to Cabinet and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 903

Associated Class of Personal Information

Veteran and Family Well-being Fund Transition Services

Transition Services include funding for eligible participants to access medical, psychological and vocational rehabilitation or vocational assistance services needed to address barriers to re-establishment in civilian life arising from eligible health problems. Transition Services also include the Education and Training Benefit and Career Transition Services which provide funding for eligible participants to pursue education and training that will support them in a successful transition from military to civilian life, help them achieve their education and post-military employment goals, and better position them to be more competitive in the civilian workforce. Transition Services also include funding for medically released Veterans and families at Military Family Resource Centres across the country.

Rehabilitation Class of Record

Description: Information on the Rehabilitation and Vocational Assistance Program which works to give eligible Canadian Armed Forces Veterans and others access to services that will help them function to their maximum capability at home, at work or within their communities after suffering a service-related illness or injury. Records may include information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; program design and analysis; the Service Income Security Insurance Plan; statistics; and program administration. Records may also contain information on the modernization of programs and services offered by Veterans Affairs Canada; service delivery requirements; collaboration with the Service Income Security Insurance Plan Financial Services; partnering opportunities and program agreements or program arrangements; briefings and consultations with Veterans organizations, advisory groups and other concerned organizations and groups; planning and project descriptions; statements of requirement for contracting a service provider and lists of service providers; and evaluations of programs and services.

Document Types: Agreements, Blank Application Forms, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Contracts, Correspondence, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Memoranda of Understanding, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Procedures, Presentations, Publications, Regulations, Reports, Studies and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 830

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance VAC PPU 300

Transition Services and Casualty Management VAC PPU 703

Education and Training Benefit Class of Records

Description: Information that is used in support of determining eligibility and entitlement for benefits under the Education and Training Benefit. The information is about individuals who applied for and/or receive an Education and Training Benefit. Records may include information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; program design and analysis; statistics; and program administration. Records may also contain information on legislation; the modernization of programs and services offered by Veterans Affairs Canada; service delivery requirements; partnering opportunities and program agreements or program arrangements; briefings and consultations with Veterans organizations, advisory groups and other concerned organizations and groups; planning; project descriptions; research; statement of requirement for contracting a service provider; lists of service providers; and evaluations of programs and services.

Document Types: Agreements, Evaluations, Blank Application Forms, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Contracts, Correspondence, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Memoranda to Cabinet, Memoranda of Understanding, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Procedures, Presentations, Publications, Reports, Regulations, Studies and Treasury Board Submissions, Privacy Impact Assessment and Business Processes.

Class of Record Number: VAC MVA 894

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Education and Training Benefit VAC PPU 710

Transition Services and Casualty Management VAC PPU 703

Career Transition Services Class of Record

Description: Information on Career Transition Services, which offers knowledge, skills and plans necessary to prepare for and obtain suitable civilian employment to eligible Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans and their spouse/common-law partner, and/or survivors, focusing on career/vocational counselling, job search training/participation, and job-finding/job placement assistance. Records may include information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; program design and analysis; statistics; and program administration. Records may also contain information on the modernization of programs and services offered by Veterans Affairs Canada; service delivery requirements; partnering opportunities and program agreements or program arrangements; briefings and consultations with Veterans organizations, advisory groups and other concerned organizations and groups; planning; project descriptions; statements of requirement for contracting a service provider; lists of service providers; and evaluations of programs and services.

Document Types: Agreements, Blank Application Forms, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Contracts, Correspondence, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Memoranda to Cabinet, Memoranda of Understanding, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Procedures, Presentations, Publications, Reports, Regulations, Studies and Treasury Board Submissions.

Class of Record Number: VAC MVA 825

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Career Transition Services VAC PPU 530

Transition Services and Casualty Management VAC PPU 703

Veterans Hiring Act Initiative VAC PPU 704 Veterans Emergency Fund

The Veterans Emergency Fund provides funding to assist Veterans and their families during times of crisis and when facing emergency financial situations that threaten their health and well-being. Financial emergencies could include (but are not limited to) food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and expenses required to maintain safety and shelter.

Veterans Emergency Fund Class of Record

Description: The VEF provides funding to assist Veterans and their families when facing emergency financial situations that threaten their health and well-being. Expenses in the event of an emergency that may be approved for funding could include (but are not limited to) food, clothing, shelter, medical care and expenses required to maintain safety and shelter. Information related to the administration of the VEF, which provides prompt monetary assistance to eligible Veterans and their family members who are facing financial crisis/emergency with the intent of resolving the immediate need. The VEF assists VAC in meeting its mandated commitments of assisting Veterans with the care, treatment and re-establishment in civilian life, as well as repaying the nation's debt of gratitude toward those who have sacrificed for our country. VEF payments will be paid as a grant. Records may include information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; program design and analysis; statistics; and program administration for the issuance of the grant. Records may also contain information on legislation and programs and services offered by VAC.

Document Types: Blank Application Forms, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Correspondence, Decision Records, Evaluations, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Memoranda to Cabinet, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Publications, Regulations, Reports, Studies, and Treasury Board Submissions, Privacy Impact Assessment, Business Processes, Service Delivery Requirements and Planning and Project Descriptions.

Class of Record Number: VAC MVA 896

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Veterans Emergency Fund VAC PPU 711 Veterans Independence Program

The Veterans Independence Program (VIP) is Veterans Affairs Canada’s national home and community care based program which assists eligible Veterans, and their primary caregivers and survivors, to remain in their homes and communities as long as possible by providing funding towards services which support and promote their independence.

Veterans Independence Program Class of Record

Description: Information on the benefits and services of the Veterans Independence Program which are provided to assist and support eligible clients in remaining independent in their own homes and communities as long as possible. Examples of other services under the Veterans Independence Program include ambulatory health care services, transportation services, and home adaptations. Examples of home care include housekeeping, grounds maintenance and personal care. Records may include information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; briefings and consultations with Veterans organizations, advisory groups and other stakeholders; program design and analysis; service and institutional standards; statistics; and program administration including interaction with a third-party service provider.

Document Types: Agreements, Blank Application Forms, Assessments, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Contracts, Correspondence, Evaluations, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Media Lines, Memoranda of Understanding, Orders in Council, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Publications, Regulations, Reports, Studies, Memoranda to Cabinet and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 855

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Veterans Independence Program – Home Care Benefits and Services VAC PPU 616

Veterans Independence Program – Other Services VAC PPU 617

Non-departmental Institutions – Veterans Independence Program (VIP) VAC PPU 618 War Veterans Allowance

This program provides financial assistance to eligible Veterans, Merchant Navy Veterans, qualified civilians and their survivors, dependents and orphans. In recognition of war service, qualified persons are provided with a regular, monthly income to meet basic needs and/or access to other Veterans Affairs Canada programs. Eligibility for War Veterans Allowance (WVA) is determined by the wartime service of a Veteran or qualified civilian, age or health, family income and residency. A surviving spouse, a surviving common-law partner or orphan may also qualify for a WVA.

War Veterans Allowance Class of Record

Description: Information on the War Veterans Allowance Program, which is a form of financial assistance available to eligible Veterans, qualified civilians and their survivors, dependents and orphans. In recognition of war service, qualified persons are provided with a regular monthly income to meet basic needs. Records may include information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; briefings and consultations with Veterans organizations, advisory groups and other concerned organizations and groups; program design and analysis; statistics; and program administration.

Document Types: Blank Application Forms, Assessments, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Contracts, Correspondence, Evaluations, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Media Lines, Memoranda to Cabinet, Memoranda of Understanding, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Publications, Regulations, Reports, Studies and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 680

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

War Veterans Allowance VAC PPU 040

2.1.2 Commemoration

Pay tribute to the sacrifices and achievements of those who served in Canada's military efforts. Canada Remembers

Canada Remembers Program activities ensure that those who served in Canada’s military efforts are honoured and that the memory of their sacrifices and achievements is preserved. To this end, Veterans and those who died in service are publicly acknowledged through ceremonies and events, honours and awards, and the presentation and perpetual care of memorials, cemeteries and grave markers; and Canadians are aware of, and value, the contributions of those who served through a suite of resources that tell the story of our military history and the provision of funding for community-led commemorative initiatives.

Ceremonies and Events Class of Record

Description: Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) organizes ceremonies and events, both in Canada and overseas, to remind Canadians of the legacy of those who served Canada and to demonstrate Canada’s leadership in recognizing their service. VAC works closely with the private and voluntary sectors as well as quasi-governmental and international organizations, including foreign, regional and local government institutions, on commemorative events, including Veterans’ Week and significant military milestones that honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice. VAC assists with burial ceremonies when remains of Canadian soldiers of the First or Second World War are discovered in Europe. In relation to this sub-program, VAC issues and distributes medals and awards, including replacement honours and awards, to eligible Veterans or family members to recognize war service. Another aspect of this sub-program is the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation, which is awarded to Veterans and other individuals who have contributed in an exemplary manner to the care and well-being of Veterans or for remembrance of contributions, sacrifices and achievements of Veterans. Records may include information relating to procedures and policies, program design and analysis, statistics, and program administration. Records may also contain information on bilateral relations between Veterans Affairs Canada and the European countries where Veterans Affairs Canada conducts ceremonies and events; information related to memoranda of understanding with other government departments, Veterans organizations and other organizations; and service contracts.

Document Types: Agreements, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Contracts, Correspondence, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Media Lines, Press Releases, Agendas, Schedules, Communications Plans, Speeches, Memoranda to Cabinet, Memoranda of Understanding, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Publications, Reports, Regulations, Studies and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 755

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Ceremonies and Events VAC PPU 621

Partnerships and Collaborations Class of Record

Description: Information on the Commemorative Partnership Program, formerly known as the Partnership Contribution Program which allows Veterans Affairs Canada to partner with non-profit organizations, registered charitable organizations and associations, museums and historical organizations, the provinces, territories and municipalities, as well as education, research and health institutions in support of projects related to commemoration activities and events, including cenotaph and monument restoration. Records may include information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; program design and analysis; statistics; and program administration. Records may also contain information on partnership agreements, contracts, historical information, and various community organizations.

Document Types: Agreements, Blank Application Forms, Media Lines, Legal Opinions, Briefing Notes, Correspondence, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Reports, Memoranda to Cabinet and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 810

Associated Class of Personal Information:

Commemorative Partnership Program

Public Education and Awareness Class of Record

Description: Records may include procedures; program design and analysis; statistics; and program administration. Records may also contain information on contracts; historical information; archives and research; Veterans’ Week materials; Heroes Remember website; and the Canadian Virtual War Memorial website.

Document Types: Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Contracts, Correspondence, Evaluations, Media Lines, Plans, Legal Opinions, Presentations, Procedures, Publications, Reports and Studies.

Record Number: VAC MVA 805

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Public Education and Awareness VAC PPU 620 Funeral and Burial Program

In recognition of their service to Canada, the estates of eligible Veterans have access to financial assistance for a dignified funeral and burial. Under the Veterans Burial Regulations, assistance is available for Veterans whose deaths were a result of their service or whose estates do not have sufficient funds for a dignified funeral, burial, and grave-marking. The Funeral and Burial Program is administered by the Last Post Fund Corporation, an independent, non-profit organization, on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada. This program is delivered through operating and maintenance funds and the Last Post Fund Grant.

Funeral and Burial Program Class of Record

Description: Records may include information on The Last Post Fund, a non-profit organization, which administers funeral, burial, and grave marking services for Veterans Affairs Canada. Records may include information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; program design and analysis; statistics; and program administration. Records may also contain information on agreements and liaison with the Last Post Fund.

Document Types: Agreements, Briefing Notes, Correspondence, Evaluations, Legal Opinions, Memoranda of Understanding, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Publications, Regulations Reports, Memoranda to Cabinet and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 745

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

National and International Memorials – Funeral and Burial Program VAC PPU 260

Memorials and Cemetery Maintenance Class of Record

Description: Records may include information relating to procedures and policies; program design and analysis; statistics; and program administration. Records may also contain information on cemeteries and plots owned by the Department and privately owned cemeteries; maintenance planning; the Books of Remembrance; the Canadian Virtual War Memorial; and historical information.

Document Types: Agreements, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Contracts, Correspondence, Legislation, Media Lines, Legal Opinions, Memoranda of Understanding, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Procedures, Presentations, Publications, Reports, Memoranda to Cabinet and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 735

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Memorials and Cemetery Maintenance VAC PPU 255

National and International Memorials – Funeral and Burial Program VAC PPU 260

2.1.3 Veterans Ombudsman

Provide an independent and impartial review of complaints and issues related to programs and services delivered by the Veterans Affairs Portfolio and uphold the Veterans Bill of Rights.

Office of the Veterans Ombudsman Class of Record

Description: Information on the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman, which provides clients of Veterans Affairs Canada, their families and others with the opportunity to request impartial reviews of their complaints by an independent officer reporting directly to the Minister. Records may include information relating to procedures and policies; program design and analysis; program administration; and briefings and consultations with Veterans organizations, advisory groups and other concerned organizations and groups. Records may also contain information on liaisons with other program areas within Veterans Affairs Canada, including operating and service agreements with all areas within the Veterans Affairs Portfolio.

Document Types: Statistics, Discussion Papers, Issue Notes, Agreements, Briefing Notes, Correspondence, Legislation, Media Lines, Memoranda of Understanding, Plans, Policies, Processes, Manuals, Protocols, Legal Opinions, Orders in Council, Memoranda to Cabinet, Treasury Board Submissions, Procedures and Reports.

Record Number: VAC MVA 760

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Veterans Ombudsman Complaint and Investigation Files VAC PPU 210

2.2 Other VAC Information Holdings

Ex-gratia Payments

Veterans Affairs Canada has been, and is still, responsible for administering ex-gratia payments under the authority of the Governor in Council. These payments may be made to eligible persons for loss or expenditure for which the Crown has no legal liability. Ex-gratia payments administered in the past include those for eligible First Nations Veterans, Merchant Navy Veterans, prisoners of war, and ex-gratia payments related to the testing of unregistered military herbicides, such as Agent Orange, at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown in New Brunswick.

First Nations Veterans Compensation Package Class of Record

Description: Information on ex-gratia payments issued to First Nations Veterans with at least 30 days active service in the First World War, the Second World War or the Korean War, who were eligible for demobilization benefits after the war, who settled on reserves and who were identified as Indian under the Indian Act. Records may include information relating to eligibility requirements for the ex-gratia payment; policy and precedent; applications; business processes and procedures; and historical records relating to First Nations Veterans. Records may also contain information on the First Nations Veterans Compensation Act and Regulations; the National Round Table which was a consultative process with First Nations Veterans and their respective associations; background research and analysis; information gathered and presented during the consultative process; and the implementation of the ex-gratia payment.

Document Types: Agreements, Blank Application Forms, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Committees, Correspondence, Decision Records, Legal Opinions, Media Lines, Memoranda to Cabinet, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Reports, Studies and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 685

Merchant Navy Seamen Special Benefit Class of Record

Description: Information relating to ex-gratia payments made to Canadian and Newfoundland Merchant Navy Veterans who served during the First World War, the Second World War or the Korean War to compensate Merchant Navy Veterans for demobilization benefits which they were not eligible to receive, and lost opportunities as a result of this. Records may include information on eligibility requirements for the ex-gratia payment; policy and precedent; applications; business processes and procedures; and historical records relating to Merchant Navy wartime service. Records may also contain information on the Merchant Navy compensation regulations; demobilization benefits; strategic planning and departmental priorities and reports; information presented and gathered during the consultative process and the implementation of the ex-gratia payment; and the Merchant Navy Registry.

Document Types: Blank Application Forms, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Correspondence, Decision Records, Legislation, Media Lines, Memoranda to Cabinet, Orders in Council, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Regulations, Reports and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 725

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Records of Sea Service for Canadian Merchant Seamen VAC PPU 120

Prisoner of War Ex-gratia Payments Class of Record

Description: Information on ex-gratia payments issued to former prisoners of war who suffered lost opportunity by not having applied for prisoner of war compensation until sometime after 1976 and, because of legislative restrictions, could not be awarded compensation back to that time. Records may include information on eligibility requirements for the ex-gratia payment; policy and precedent; applications; business processes and procedures; statistics; and historical records relating to prisoners of war and time in captivity. Records may also contain information on the Prisoner of War Compensation Regulations; review of compensation regulations and legislative amendments; information presented and gathered during the consultative process; and the implementation of the ex-gratia payment.

Document Types: Blank Application Forms, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Correspondence, Legislation, Media Lines, Orders in Council, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Regulations, Reports, Studies and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 800

Agent Orange Ex-gratia Payments Class of Record

Description: Information relating to the testing of unregistered U.S. military herbicides, including Agent Orange, at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown in 1966 and 1967 and the Government’s decision to move forward with ex-gratia payments. Records may include information relating to: research carried out by the Department of National Defence to gather information on the facts and circumstances associated with the testing and use of herbicides at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown from 1952 to the present day; U.S. National Academies of Science Institute of Medicine research; and the development of options for Government consideration. Records may also contain information on eligibility requirements for the ex- gratia payment, policy, applications, and business processes and procedures.

Document Types: Blank Application Forms, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Correspondence, Decision Records, Legal Opinions, Media Lines, Memoranda to Cabinet, Orders in Council, Policy, Presentations, Procedures, Publications, Reports, Studies and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 640

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Agent Orange Ex-gratia Payment VAC PPU 200

Bureau of Pensions Advocates

The Bureau of Pensions Advocates provides free legal advice, assistance and representation before the Veterans Review and Appeal Board to individuals dissatisfied with decisions made with respect to their claims for disability benefits. The Bureau also provides representation for War Veterans Allowance appeals before the Board. Information collected by the Bureau is protected by the solicitor-client privilege.

Bureau of Pensions Advocates Class of Record

Description: Information on the Bureau of Pensions Advocates, which provides advice, assistance and representation before the Veterans Review and Appeal Board to individuals dissatisfied with decisions made with respect to their claims for disability benefits. The Bureau also provides representation for War Veterans Allowance appeals before the Veterans Review and Appeal Board. Records may include information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; program design and analysis; statistics; and program administration. Records may also contain information on liaison with the operations divisions of Veterans Affairs Canada relating to disability applications and appeals; liaison with the Veterans Review and Appeal Board relating to disability reviews and appeals, and War Veterans Allowance appeals; interaction and liaison with various Veterans organizations; and liaison with the Department of Justice and the Federal Court of Appeal.

Document Types: Briefing Notes, Correspondence, Evaluations, Legal Opinions, Agreements, Contracts, Directives, Business Processes, Media Lines, Plans, Policies, Presentations and Reports.

Record Number: VAC MVA 295

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Pension Advocate Services VAC PPU 365

Federal Healthcare Partnership

The Federal Healthcare Partnership was a former group comprising seven Government of Canada institutions. Veteran Affairs Canada was a permanent member of, and had responsibilities under, the Federal Healthcare Partnership and its charter. The partnership was formed to identify, promote and implement more efficient and cost-effective healthcare programs while improving the quality of health care services for clients of federal health care programs.

Federal Healthcare Partnership Class of Record

Description: Information on the Federal Healthcare Partnership, a collaboration of federal partners whose mission is to identify, promote and implement more efficient and effective health care programs and to achieve economies of scale while enhancing the quality of healthcare services for clients of federal healthcare programs. Records may include information on the Partnership’s involvement in initiatives relating to economies of scale and strategic leadership in the following areas: audiology, dental care, federal/provincial/territorial representation, health human resources, health information management, medical supplies and equipment recycling, mental health, pharmacy, and vision care. Records may also contain information relating to procedures and policies, program design and analysis, and program administration.

Document Types: Agreements, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Correspondence, Evaluations, Legal Opinions, Plans, Policies, Presentations, Procedures and Reports.

Record Number: VAC MVA 645

Federal Health Claims Processing System

The Federal Health Claims Processing System (FHCPS) is administered by a third party on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada to support clients and service providers with the processing and settlement of claims for both the Veterans Independence Program (VIP) and the Treatment Benefits Program. This service includes automated and individualized health claims administration; provider registration number; payments to providers or reimbursements to clients for eligible services; identification and payment to clients and providers for treatment benefits received outside of Canada.

Federal Health Claims Processing System Administration Class of Record

Description: Information relating to the Federal Health Claims Processing System, which is administered by a third party service provider on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada. This service provides benefit administration of the Veterans Independence Program and the Treatment Benefits Program, and reimbursements to clients for eligible services or payments to health care providers. Records may include information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; program design and analysis; statistics; and program and service contract administration.

Document Types: Agreements, Briefings Notes, Contracts, Correspondence, Decision Records, Evaluations, Legal Opinions, Memoranda of Understanding, Presentations and Reports.

Record Number: VAC MVA 690

Mental Health Services and Benefits

Veterans Affairs Canada offers a suite of services and benefits, which are provided to help Veterans with mental health conditions. These include specific mental health services tailored to meet the needs of Veterans and their families, as well as other services which have a broader impact on client mental health and well-being. Specific mental health services include: a network of 10 Operational Stress Injury clinics; the Veterans Affairs Canada Assistance Service (a 24-hour toll-free crisis help line); the Operational Stress Injury Social Support (OSISS) Program; psycho-social rehabilitation which is a component of Veterans Affairs’ comprehensive Rehabilitation Program; pastoral outreach, a unique clinical care manager service to support case management; psychiatric and psychological counselling; and treatment programs for stabilization, addictions, detoxification and co-morbidity.

Mental Health Services and Supports Class of Record

Description: Information on the services and supports offered by Veterans Affairs Canada for individuals with operational stress injuries such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder resulting from military or police service. Records may include information relating to the modernization of programs and services, procedures and policies, program design and analysis, statistics, and program administration. Records may also contain information on the Veterans Affairs Canada mental health strategy; Veterans Affairs Canada Operational Stress Injury clinics; Veterans Affairs Canada National Centre for Operational Stress Injuries; research; reference materials; family services and supports; peer support programs and networks; and rehabilitation and re-integration services.

Document Types: Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Contracts, Correspondence, Evaluations, Legislation, Media Lines, Memoranda, Memoranda of Understanding, Plans, Policies, Presentations, Press Releases, Procedures, Publications, Question Period Notes, Regulations, Reports, Speeches, and Studies.

Record Number: VAC MVA 720

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Mental Health VAC PPU 320

Soldier Settlement Act and Veterans’ Land Act

The Veterans’ Land Administration (VLA) was established in 1942 under the Veterans’ Land Act, which was part of a rehabilitation package for returning servicemen to help them settle in Canada as full-time farmers, part-time farmers or commercial fishermen. Assistance was also available to Veterans who wished to act as their own contractors in the construction of their homes.

The VLA program helped approximately 140,000 qualified Veterans to purchase their properties. It also offered below-market interest rates and a flexible repayment schedule. These advantageous interest rates, guaranteed for twenty-five years, provided security to Veterans. Lending under the Veterans’ Land Act ceased in 1977.

Up to June 30, 1992, all matters pertaining to the Veterans’ Land Act were administered by the Veterans’ Land Administration under the control of the Director, Veterans’ Land Act.

Soldier Settlement Board and Veterans’ Land Administration – Property Management and Maintenance Class of Record

Description: Information relating to the management and maintenance of land purchased, acquired, transferred and sold by the Soldier Settlement Board or the Director of the Veterans’ Land Administration, under the authority of the Soldier Settlement Act and the Veterans’ Land Act, which provided assistance to eligible Veterans who returned home from the First World War, the Second World War or the Korean War and who wished to settle in Canada as farmers or fisherman, or build their own home. Records may include information related to the purchase or acquisition of land; real estate appraisals and services; title transactions and land conveyances; easements, servitudes and rights of way granted on properties owned by the Director; mines, minerals and surface rights; and information relating to rescissions, property sales and contractual agreements of properties. Records may also contain information related to the history of Veterans’ land legislation; natural disasters; absentee Veterans; Committee on Demobilization and Rehabilitation; coordination of federal interest in land acquisition and use; Waterfowl Habitat Conservation Program; Provincial Woodland Improvement Program; lease disputes; liens and encumbrances; provincial advisory boards; and repossession and sale of land and chattels.

Document Types: Agreements, Application Forms, Appraisals, Appraisal Fee Schedules, Assessments, Background Papers, Certificates, Contracts, Correspondence, Covenants, Deeds, Directives, Eviction Notices, Leases, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Licenses, Media Lines, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Procedures, Property Statements, Publications, Question Period Notes, Regulations, Rental Agreements, Reports, Sales Receipts, Statistics, Studies, Surveys, Tax Statements, Title Certificates, Treasury Board Submissions and Utility Bills.

Record Number: VAC MVA 865

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Administration of Benefits and Services – Soldier Settlement Board and Veterans’ Land Administration VAC PPU 350

Soldier Settlement Board and Veterans’ Land Administration – Program Operations and Administration Class of Record

Description: Information relating to the operations and administration of programs and services related to the settlement and establishment of Veterans in Canada by the Soldier Settlement Board or the Director of the Veterans’ Land Administration, under the authority of the Soldier Settlement Act and the Veterans’ Land Act, which provided assistance to eligible Veterans who returned home from the First World War, the Second World War or the Korean War and who wished to settle in Canada as farmers or fisherman, or build their own home. Records may include information on various aspects and types of farm management and operations; various aspects of fishing operations; training courses; debt-free settlement agreements with provinces; national parks; grants and loans; Native and Métis Veterans; construction requirements and financing; liaison with Canadian Mortgage and Housing Information; interest rates; housing plans; mortgages and mortgage clauses, and insurance policies. Records may also include information on eligibility and qualification for programs and services; tax information and policies; housing project information; farm status information; management of Department of National Defence installations leased to the public for agricultural purposes; Indian Economic Development Program; off-reserve housing program; Prairie Grain Advance Payments Regulations; animal disease testing; improvements and renovations; crops and crop conditions; and the purchase and sale of equipment, livestock and supplies.

Document Types: Agreements, Application Forms, Background Papers, Briefings, Building Models, Contracts, Construction Reports; Correspondence, Directives, Evaluations, Housing Plans, Leases, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Media Lines, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Procedures, Publications, Question Periods Notes, Regulations, Reports, Requests for Information, Statements, Statistics, Studies, Tax Statements, and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 870

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Administration of Benefits and Services – Soldier Settlement Board and Veterans’ Land Administration VAC PPU 350

Veterans Insurance Class of Record

Description: Information on the administration of life insurance purchased by Veterans and other eligible individuals under the Returned Soldiers’ Insurance Act and the Veterans Insurance Act. Records may include information on eligibility and qualification; policies and procedures; program design and analysis; reports; statistics; studies and surveys; acts, regulations and rulings.

Document Types: Correspondence, Decision Records, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Orders in Council, Policies, Procedures, Regulations, and Reports.

Record Number: VAC MVA 030

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Veterans Life Insurance VAC PPU 035

Inactive Programs

Ste. Anne’s Hospital

Since the introduction of the Canada Health Act and Medicare in the 1960s, the federal government began a process to transfer its 18 Veterans’ hospitals to provinces, thereby respecting provincial jurisdiction in matters of health care. Ste. Anne’s Hospital was the last remaining federally owned Veterans hospital and officially transferred to the Government of Quebec on April 1, 2016, becoming part of the new Centre intégré universitaire de santé et services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal. The Ste. Anne’s Hospital transfer agreement ensures eligible Veterans will continue to have priority access to Ste. Anne’s Hospital.

Historical Ste. Anne’s Hospital Class of Record

Description: Information on Ste. Anne’s Hospital, Veterans Affairs Canada’s only remaining departmentally owned facility. Veterans Affairs Canada is responsible for providing long term institutional care for eligible Veterans and civilians at this facility located in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec. Records may include information relating to eligibility criteria; procedures and policies; briefings and consultations with Veterans organizations, advisory groups and other concerned organizations and groups; program design and analysis; service and institutional standards; statistics; and program administration. Records may also include information about the Pastoral Care program and the Canadian Red Cross Society’s handicrafts program for Veterans living in a hospital or institution.

Note: Effective April 1, 2016, this Class of Record became inactive with the transfer of Ste. Anne’s Hospital from the Government of Canada to the Government of Quebec.

Document Types: Agreements, Blank Application Forms, Assessments, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Contracts, Correspondence, Evaluations, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Media Lines, Memoranda of Understanding, Order in Councils, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Publications, Regulations, Reports, Studies, Memoranda to Cabinet and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 715

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Employee Medical Records at Ste. Anne’s Hospital VAC PCE 705

Ste. Anne’s Hospital VAC PPU 280

Disability Awards

Under the Veterans Well-being Act, this benefit recognized and compensated eligible CAF members and Veterans, and in some cases surviving spouses/common-law partners and surviving dependent children, for the non-economic effects of service-related disability including pain and suffering, functional loss and the effects of permanent impairment on the lives of CAF members, Veterans and their families.

On April 1, 2019, the Disability Award was replaced by the Pain and Suffering Compensation program.

Disability Awards Program Class of Record

Description: Information relating to the compensation of awards provided under the Disability Awards Program including Educational Assistance. Records may also include information relating to procedures and policies; eligibility criteria; research; program design and analysis; statistics; briefings and consultations with Veterans’ organizations, advisory groups and other concerned organizations and groups; service delivery requirements; partnering opportunities and program agreements or program arrangements; planning and project descriptions and evaluations of programs and services; and program administration for the issuance of awards and allowances for disabilities or death incurred by Canada’s military forces during the First World War, the Second World War, peacetime service, special duty service, service in a theatre of operations, and reserve or special force service. Records may also contain information on legislation; the modernization of programs and services offered by Veterans Affairs; medical matters of policy and precedent; applications; and procedures and policies including the Table of Disabilities which is the instrument used by Veterans Affairs Canada to assess the extent of disability.

Document Types: Blank Application Forms, Background Papers, Briefing Notes, Correspondence, Decision Records, Evaluations, Legal Opinions, Legislation, Memoranda to Cabinet, Orders in Council, Plans, Policies, Presentations, Procedures, Publications, Regulations, Reports, Studies and Treasury Board Submissions.

Record Number: VAC MVA 875

Associated Personal Information Bank(s) (PIB):

Disability Awards VAC PPU 603

2.3 Internal Services

Internal services constitute groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are management and oversight services, communications services, legal services, human resources management services, financial management services, information management services, information technology services, real property services, materiel services, acquisition services, and travel and other administrative services. Internal services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Acquisition Services

Acquisition services involve activities undertaken to acquire a good or service to fulfill a properly completed request (including a complete and accurate definition of requirements and certification that funds are available) until entering into or amending a contract.

Communications Services

Communications services involve activities undertaken to ensure that Government of Canada communications are effectively managed, well-coordinated and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public. The communications management function ensures that the public—internal or external—receives government information, and that the views and concerns of the public are taken into account in the planning, management and evaluation of policies, programs, services and initiatives.

Financial Management Services

Financial management services involve activities undertaken to ensure the prudent use of public resources, including planning, budgeting, accounting, reporting, control and oversight, analysis, decision support and advice, and financial systems.

Human Resources Management Services

Human resources management services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction, allocating resources among services and processes, as well as activities relating to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and plans.

Information Management Services

Information management services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective information management to support program and service delivery; foster informed decision making; facilitate accountability, transparency, and collaboration; and preserve and ensure access to information and records for the benefit of present and future generations.

Information Technology Services

Information technology services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective use of information technology to support government priorities and program delivery, to increase productivity, and to enhance services to the public.

Legal Services

Legal services involve activities undertaken to enable government departments and agencies to pursue policy, program and service delivery priorities and objectives within a legally sound framework.

Management and Oversight Services

Management and oversight services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction and allocating resources among services and processes, as well as those activities related to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies or plans.

Materiel Services

Materiel services involve activities undertaken to ensure that materiel can be managed by departments in a sustainable and financially responsible manner that supports the cost- effective and efficient delivery of government programs.

Real Property Services

Real property services involve activities undertaken to ensure real property is managed in a sustainable and financially responsible manner, throughout its life cycle, to support the cost- effective and efficient delivery of government programs.

Travel and Other Administrative Services

Travel and other administrative services include Government of Canada travel services, as well as those other internal services that do not smoothly fit with any of the internal services categories.